Welcome to Bendigo Golf Club
The Bendigo Golf Club was established in 1901 and is situated just 10 minutes north of the Bendigo CBD.
The course offers:
- a blue 6,040 metre layout
- men - slope rating 128, par 72
- women - slope rating of 136, par 74
- a white 5,824 metre layout
- men - slope rating 126, par 72
- women - slope rating of 133, par 74
- and a red 5,353 metre layout
- men - slope rating 122, par 71
- women - slope rating of 127, par 73
which provides an enjoyable challenge for all levels of golfers.
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Get in Touch
To contact the Bendigo Golf Club:Office:
- (03) 5448 4206
- gm@bendigogolfclub.com.au
Pro Shop:
- (03) 5448 4878
- proshop@bendigogolfclub.com.au